Why You Should Consider a Copywriter [Regardless of Industry]

“I am a copywriter.”

“Ah cool… what’s that?”

A typical question to follow after I answer what I do. But such an important and overlooked job by many. You see their work every day, many times.

But...what is a copywriter? That answer could be a make it or break it for your business. Not only could you continue the conversation above, but your business could flourish.


What is a Copywriter?

A copywriter is a company’s wizard of Oz. Behind the scenes, but working magic. They create content for websites, ads, product descriptions, emails, and the like. Shortly put, they are sales writers. A writer that can communicate your product or service in a way that touches your audience, draws them in, and calls them to respond.

As a company in the twenty-first century, you are competing with nearly 200 million different businesses in the world...and counting.

How can you stand out? How can you carve out a spot for your specific audience? And how can you compete with 200 million different businesses?

The answer: Great copywriting.

Think about earlier today or last night when you were scrolling through Facebook. You saw a friend share a post from a website selling new organic dog food.

You trust this friend’s endorsement because you have seen how she takes care of her teacup poodle. Intrigued by the headline, you click through and start to read the article. You now know you have been feeding toxic ingredients to your dog all his life.

The end of the article goes on to explain the ingredients in this new dog food and a limited-time free trial. The home page shares how the business owner’s dog was sick all time so they set out to create a healthy alternative. The combination of guilt, the limited offer, and the endorsement of a friend leads to a quick buy.

That is a result of copywriting. An article written well enough to be shared, read all the way through, and trusted enough to make a buy.

Now… How does this apply to you?

Nowadays, you have to have a website to appear legit. A website usually consists of a landing page, home page, a purchasing portal, a services or products page, and a contact form. A copywriter can write each of those to attract clients, to inform and build on your brand, and to build a relationship with your customers.

Your website is how your customers can find you. In our dog food example, we saw how a “word of mouth” opportunity brought the customer to their website, but most visits come from an organic search.

“93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.”


“47% of consumers view 3-5 pieces of content created by a company before talking to a salesman from that company.”


“61% of internet users do research on a product online before making a purchase.” (Source)


This shows a ripe opportunity to be found online through SEO.  SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is how Google and other search engines rank your website. The act of optimizing your website helps your audience find you.

When people have a problem, where do we go? We ask Google. SEO puts you on Google’s radar with the right keyword phrases and right content.

The right content can help your customers find your product or services on the first page of a search engine’s results. Researching the right keyword phrases allows a copywriter to fine-tune your content to rank on the first page.

Why would you not try to be more visible to your clients online?

How can I help?

I can write SEO blogs that share your story, answer your audience’s questions, and provide your product or service as a solution to their problem or need. Blogs work best when they are consistent. They build a relationship with your customers and give Google more material to rank your content and website higher.

A well-written landing page can be the difference between a customer browsing your site or leaving in under 10 seconds. Your website needs to be easy to read and understandable, but also engaging and fun for the reader.

Other copywriting materials to consider are newsletters, email campaigns, brochures (both digital and paper), product descriptions, video scripts, podcast scripts, white papers, and the list can go on. You can see many opportunities a copywriter has to help your business get out there.

I specialize in sharing your story in a way that will make sense to your audience. Small businesses hold a special place for me as well as Christian businesses, ministries, and non-profits. So much good has been done in the world through an entrepreneur’s idea and hard work.

I would love the opportunity to step beside you and help your business and ministry grow. It would be my pleasure to serve you in whatever capacity your business needs. If you have any questions or want to take advantage of my free 30-minute consultation, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Social and Ethical Purchasing: A Beacon of Hope For Christian Businesses, Non-Profits, and Organizations