My Approach

Connecting with Katie



What are your needs?

We will schedule a time to meet by phone, video chat, or in-person (DFW only) to discuss your needs, budget, and goals.

Good things to be prepared to answer:

  • What are your goals for this project?

  • Why did you start your company?

  • What is your mission statement?

  • What kind of copy do you need?

  • Who is your ideal client?

  • What is your timeline?

If you don’t know the answer to any of the above, that’s okay! I can help you answer these as well!


Personalized content.

I will follow up with a personalized plan and budget. Upon approval, I will get started on your content.

For ongoing projects, you will be able to actively review and check in regularly. I will have very open communication throughout our partnership. I will be available

For one-time projects, I will send my first draft for you to make any suggestions or edits before I send over the final project. However many times it needs; I want you to happy with the final product.


Publish and analyze.

Once completed, your content will be delivered and/or published based on your needs.

For ongoing projects, such as social media management, website content, and blogging, I will monitor the analytics to continue to create the best content.

For one-time projects, I will analyze their success to tailor your needs for future projects. For website rewrites and creation, I will monitor for 6 months and make any necessary edits.

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”"

— JEREMIAH 17:7-8


Do you work on non-Christian content?

I work with non-Christian content as well. It will be approached similarly, but without any Biblical references. I have multiple clients in real estate, construction, and consulting, that is not openly Christian business.

Can you work on a low budget?

The beauty of freelancing and working for small businesses and ministries allows me to tailor your needs to a budget that works for you. I take into account the need to steward your resources well, all the while staying relevant and consistent. We can work together to find a budget and plan that works for you.

What is considered Christian copywriting?

Christian, or faith-based, copywriting is simply creating content with a Biblical perspective and approach. I approach content as a way to share the glory of God in your work and calling. Copywriting can have a powerful influence, and I take that responsibility seriously. I create content that edifies, inspires, and moves people to action for a good cause.

Let me help create content that's right for you.